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Velo Kids Bike Rack (Pre-Sale)

Velo Kids Bike Rack (Pre-Sale)

Introducing Velo Kids Bike Racks, Powered by Impact Fab


Transform Public Spaces with a Splash of Vibrant Utility

Welcome to the future of urban cycling convenience! Velo Kids, in collaboration with our esteemed sponsor Impact Fab, is thrilled to present our latest line of high-quality bike racks. Designed for the modern city landscape, these racks are an ideal fit for public areas, parks, community spaces, and business entryways.


Exclusive Design, Unmatched Durability

Our bike racks come in two convenient sizes: the compact 1-Ring and the spacious 3-Ring. Each design is meticulously crafted from industrial-strength materials, ensuring longevity and resilience against the challenging Michigan weather. The signature Velo Kids orange powder coating not only adds a pop of color but also provides extra protection, making our racks a durable and attractive addition to any space.


Product Features:

  • 1-Ring Bike Rack: Perfect for limited spaces or individual use. Priced at $400.
  • 3-Ring Bike Rack: Ideal for higher traffic areas, accommodating multiple bikes. Available for $1,200.


Pre-Order Now for Spring Installation

We are excited to announce that pre-orders are now open through the end of February! Plan ahead for a more bike-friendly environment. Delivery and installation coordination will occur in April, ensuring your space is ready for the spring cycling season.


Invest in Community and Convenience

With every purchase of a Velo Kids bike rack, you're not only enhancing your space but also supporting a movement towards a more cycle-friendly community. Our racks are more than just a place to secure a bike; they're a commitment to promoting a healthier, more connected urban life.


Secure Your Bike Rack Today!

Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the cycling revolution. Pre-order your Velo Kids bike rack, crafted by Impact Fab, and bring a blend of style, functionality, and durability to your space.

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